Sitting alone on your cushion... Slowly settling into balanced posture... with uncluttered space, a bell ringing for you at the end.
How inspiring!at homeclick here to add text.
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Sitting upright having tea, noticing the sun rays, a flower, reading or writing
a poem. How precious!
Sitting in a quiet forest, spring blossoms falling softly. How Lovely!
If you wish to begin or deepen your meditation practice... and you prefer to practice meditation at your office or home... 
Here is an offering of support from a long-time Zen practitioner and novice priest.

Pitaka provides private instruction via ZOOM beginning with support to set up your personal sitting space in your office or home.

You will have personalized assistance for acquiring the most supportive cushions, for posture adjustments, and to learn various sitting positions that help you relax. 

Help that's tailored to your needs can make meditation practice much easier and more beneficial. When you're ready to begin, simply email 
[email protected]
for a private Zen Zoom session

Day-long or longer solo retreats are supported with a series of Zoom meetings by arrangement. This can be a great way to spend stay-at- home time during COVID with the benefit of more calmness and acceptance.

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Daily sitting and walking meditation, whenever possible, before and after attending an Enlightenment Intensive is encouraged. 

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