About The Enlightenment Intensive purpose, theme and process... a note from Pitaka...
Attending the Enlightenment Intensive is a choice each individual participant makes, to learn how to inquire, to participate in focused inquiry for three days and nights, within a structured schedule of activities. This structure is essential for the best outcome for all participants in just three days and nights. We do this together in order to authentically discover Reality... ultimately, what is always so? What is this called self, life, another?
It is essential to understand the main idea when entering the intensive... No belief is required to encounter Reality. Sometime during the weekend you may notice many previously held ideas, concepts and established beliefs arising for re-examination, dissolving, giving you space for direct experience of what is unknown. Whatever we think may be so, we must, in the words of the Buddha, "find out for ourselves."
Inquiry requires full attention, is not knowing, questioning, wondering, like a child wonders, truly being open. This is the spirit of true inquiry, the foundation of the intensive. Setting aside other interests and intentions, focusing as guided, and just for awhile not filling the space with our knowing.
The Enlightenment Intensive does not require any previous experience of meditation. There are guidelines for the support of all present, such as no intoxicants, following the schedule of activities including silent periods, and non-interference with others during the intensive. Our commitment is also to arrive on time and stay with the group for three days and nights through the closing.
To sign up for the 2023 spring Intensive at Commonweal Retreat Center in Bolinas, California, March 9-12, 2023 apply on the intensive registration page. It's easy to simply fill in the form, then click submit at the bottom or copy and email it. When your application is confirmed you can pay using the Paypal link or email request to use Venmo. Full payment is required to reserve your space.
"This journey of transformation begins when we say yes. Now is the only time we can experience Reality or Truth directly. I hope you will join us." Pitaka